Steps to building a Positive Attitude-Day 25-25 Day Reading Challenge-You Can Win-Shiv Khera

STEPS TO BUILDING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE During childhood, we form attitudes that last a lifetime. Undoubtedly, it would be a lot easier and better to have acquired a positive attitude during our formative years. Does that mean if we acquire a negative attitude, whether by design or by default, we are stuck with it? Of course not. Can we change? Yes. Is it easy? Absolutely not. How do you build and maintain a positive attitude? ¨ Become aware of the principles that build a positive attitude ¨ Desire to be positive ¨ Cultivate the discipline and dedication to practice those principles As adults, regardless of our environment, education and experience, who is responsible for our attitude? We are. We have to accept responsibility some time in our lives. We blame everyone and everything but ourselves. It is up to us to choose our attitude every morning. As adults, we need to accept responsibility for our behavior and...