Find your purpose Live your Passion
Find your purpose Live your Passion
Who are all involved in shaping a child’s future?
What does it take to live a contented life? How should an ideal profession be?
How can one pursue his passion?
Every single child in this world is born with
immense talents and dreams. And through a very stage of life a child it child
has umpteen opportunities to develop his
inborn talents or develop new talents. If the talents and skills are tapped and
used effectively every individual can turn to become responsible leaders,
entrepreneurs, individuals of the future society. But all that is possible only
when their talents and skills are realized and their dreams and passions are
recognized, given respect and supported
Doing something which we like is the definite
pathway to lead a contented life. Either we should love what we are already
doing or should try to find and do something we love .The responsibility of
navigating towards a child’s passion lies not in a single hand. It begins with
the family, teachers, friends, relatives and the society. With the
responsibility lying in multiple hands it’s high time to understand the
importance of the responsibility they hold and act accordingly.
The purpose of life is to live a life of
purpose..So it is important for a child to be guided properly to aim to live a
life of purpose. Purpose does not depend on a single factor. Purpose drives
happiness. Is our purpose defined by what we do? For some purpose is
doing well in school and for others purpose is to help other people for some
others it is different Purpose is something we do. Purpose is something
we are. When we live our purpose we are producing results that are
useful. When we are able to fulfil our purpose we’ll probably find
happiness and joy. We’ll experience a richer and more vibrant life.
We’ll feel alive and energized. It doesn’t mean that life will be
easy and there won’t be struggles, part of life is the experience of challenge
and difficulty and discovering ways to overcome those challenges.

If we can closely look and try to understand
the above Venn diagram of the Purpose of Life we can find a lot of meaning in
it. A person can be happy
if he is doing what he is capable of (when he
is skilled enough to perform his job)
He is happier if he likes what he is doing and
he is
even more happier if what he is doing fetches
money to earn his living and
By doing all this the society is also getting benefitted,
the person is in the sweetest part of his life.
Of course all people may not get to get a seat
in the lucky spot of intersection point of all 4 elements but definitely we can
work towards making our things end in a way to be in the closest part of the
Having said that the foundation of a person’s
life is set during his childhood days itself, (in other words when the child
attends puberty and the mental maturity to decide upon things), a proper
guidance, motivation and Passion awareness etc needed to be given to an individual
at the student level itself
Let’s go back go back to the elements of the
Venn diagram, Take the first element here the child first need is to understand
what his real skills and talents are. This can be done through proper guidance,
support, self introspection, experimentation etc. And once identified they can
work on improving their talents.
Second part is the Passion/interest where the
child’s dreams and aspirations come into picture here the child can document
his aspirations passions convert them into SMART goals with the guidance of
parents teachers mentors tutors
If based on the above two factors conscious
and well thought decisions are taken in selecting a career it will lead them to
pursue their passions and the same time ensuring that they give something back
to the society one can lead a life of Purpose.
More articles on Passion Navigation to follow
in the coming issues.
The author Mohammed Aslum is the Chief Passion
Mentor of Mine2Shine School of Passion Navigation. He can be contacted at and 09789186428
Good blog.. hope you will also get a way of identifying the passion